題名: | 國內規章:必要性測試的困境與解決 Necessity test in domestic regulation: challenges and solutions |
作者: | 李宜芳 Lee, Yi-Fang |
貢獻者: | 楊光華 李宜芳 Lee, Yi-Fang |
關鍵詞: | 服務貿易 服務貿易障礙 國內規章 必要性測試 Service trade Trade barrier in service sector Domestic regulation Necessity test |
日期: | 2017 |
上傳時間: | 2017-03-01 17:02:46 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 服務貿易的管制密集,因此管制也最有可能形成主要的貿易障礙,然而服務貿易總協定第6條第4項國內規章準則的談判卻幾近停滯。本文探究其中原因,著眼於管制、國內規章準則的共同點皆在於「管制」,而好的管制必然植基於成本效益評估,因此必要性測試即成為國內規章準則的核心。必要性測試的核心為管制目的、成本效益評估,本文觀察必要性測試的談判歷程,認為必要性測試的談判實不應透過管制目的的限縮,而應著重於成本效益的衡量,因此著重於成本效益評估要件的設計方有可能於必要性測試的議題取得突破。 As service sector is heavily regulated, domestic regulation might become the major trade barrier. However, the negotiation under the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) article 6.4 is almost stalled. The paper aims at analyzing the challenges in the negotiation. Focusing on the common nature of “governance” between domestic regulation and trade governance in GATS article 6.4, the paper argues that good governance must be based on impact analysis, which makes necessity test the core of GATS article 6.4 negotiation. The paper examines the negotiation history of necessity test, and argues that the focus of negotiation should be the necessity analysis, rather than the scope of objectives in necessity test. The solution of the negotiation challenge is therefore focusing on the elements of necessity analysis, particularly the trade restrictiveness. |
參考文獻: | 參考文獻 一、 專書 1. DELIMATSIS, PANAGIOTIS, INTERNATIONAL TRADE IN SERVICES AND DOMESTIC REGULATIONS: NECESSITY, TRANSPARENCY, AND REGULATORY DIVERSITY (1st ed., 2009). 2. KRAJEWSKI, MARKUS, NATIONAL REGULATION AND TRADE LIBERALIZATION IN SERVICES (1st ed. 2003) 二、 專書論文 1. Lim, Aik Hoe & de Meester, Bart, An Introduction to Domestic Regulation and GATS, in WTO DOMESTIC REGULATION AND SERVICE TRADE (Aik Hoe Lim & Bart de Meester eds., 2014). 2. Renda, Andrea, Regulatory Impact Assessment and Regulatory Policy, in REGULATORY POLICY IN PERSPECTIVE - A READER`S COMPANION TO THE OECD REGULATORY POLICY OUTLOOK 2015 (OECD eds., 2015) 三、 期刊文獻 1. 張新平,WTO服務貿易國內規章有關問題之探討,政大法學評論,112期。 2. Crozet, Matthieu, Milet, Emmanuel & Mirza, Daniel, The Impact of Domestic Regulations on International Trade in Services: Evidence from Firm-Level Data, 44 J. COMP. ECON. 585 (2016). 3. 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描述: | 碩士 國立政治大學 國際經營與貿易學系 102351017 |
資料來源: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0102351017 |
資料類型: | thesis |
顯示於類別: | [國際經營與貿易學系 ] 學位論文
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