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    Title: 國民小學校長知識領導、學校組織動態能耐與學校競爭優勢關係之研究─以新北市為例
    The Study of the Relationship among the Elementary School Principal’s Knowledge Leadership, School Dynamic Capabilities, and School Competitive Advantage:in New Taipei City
    Authors: 王柏鈞
    Wang, Po-Chun
    Contributors: 秦夢群
    Joseph Meng-Chun Chin
    Wang, Po-Chun
    Keywords: 校長知識領導
    Knowledge leadership
    School dynamic capabilities
    School competitive advantage
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2017-02-08 16:48:45 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探討國民小學校長知識領導、學校組織動態能耐與學校競爭優勢之關係與現況,以及分析在不同教師與學校背景變項下,教師所知覺校長知識領導、學校組織動態能耐與學校競爭優勢之差異性,並且進行校長知識領導、學校組織動態能耐與學校競爭優勢結構方程模式適配情形之檢定與線性結構關係之探究。
    本研究以文獻探討建立理論基礎與研究架構,並運用問卷調查法,以新北市國民小學教師為母群體,且利用「分層隨機抽樣」(stratified random sampling)選取抽樣及「簡單隨機抽樣」(random sampling)選取方式進行,抽取100所學校,抽樣份數855份,回收份數504份,有效份數共451份,有效回收率52.75%。問卷資料處理及結果分析以描述性統計分析、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、薛費法、最小顯著差異與結構方程模式等統計方法進行研究。
    壹拾壹、 國小校長知識領導對學校組織動態能耐,以及學校組織動態能耐對學校競爭優勢具直接效果的影響。
    壹拾貳、 學校組織動態能耐具備校長知識領導對學校競爭優勢之完全中介效果的性質。
    壹拾參、 國小校長知識領導、學校組織動態能耐與學校競爭優勢之結構方程模式得到驗證上的支持。
    壹、 校長應發揮知識領導,並運用組織動態能耐,才能間接促進學校競爭優勢。
    貳、 校長應發展永續知識創新,加強行政整合與成立相關教育專業社群。
    參、 校長應建立溝通平台,接納及尊重不同意見,建立和善、信任及具歸屬感之校園環境。
    肆、 校長應倡導國際觀,培育國際化人才,增加競爭優勢。
    The main purpose of this study is to investage the current situation of and the relationship among the elementary school principal’s knowledge leadership, school dynamic capabilities, and school competitive advantage. To analyze the diversity of different teachers and school background variables in teachers` perception of principals` knowledge leadership, school organizational dynamic capability and competitive advantage. In addition, to test a structural equation model of the school principal`s knowledge leadership, organizational dynamic capability and the school competitive advantage.
    In this study, establishing the theoretical foundation and research framework is based on the literature review. And the questionnaire survey was used. The National primary school teachers in New Taipei City as the population, and the use of "stratified random sampling" and "simple random sampling" were selected from 100 schools, a total of 855 questionnaires which number of 504 questionnaires were received, wherein 451 are valid, the valid rate is 52.75%. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, T test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffé method, and structural equation modeling (SEM).

    The main findings of this study are as follows:
    A. The overall situation of "principals` knowledge leadership" in New Taipei City primary school is moderately high. The variable of "professional role models" is the higtest and "sustainable knowledge innovation" is the lowest.
    B. The overall situation of "school dynamic capabilities" in New Taipei City primary school is moderately high. The variable of "application of science and technology" is the higtest and "administrative integration" is the lowest.
    C. The overall situation of "school competitive advantage" in New Taipei City primary school is moderately high. The variable of "administrative management advantage" is the higtest and "organizational capability advantage" is the lowest.
    D. There are significant differences in the overall performance of principal’s knowledge leadership, school dynamic capabilities, school competitive advantage in teacher’s background variables of gender in New Taipei City primary school. The perception of male teachers is higer than female teachers.
    E. There are no significant differences in the overall performance of principal’s knowledge leadership, school dynamic capabilities, school competitive advantage in teacher’s background variables of age in New Taipei City primary school.
    F. The perception of teachers whose years of service are over 21 years (inclusive) in the overall performance of principal’s knowledge leadership, school dynamic capabilities, school competitive advantage in teacher’s background variables of service years are higher than whose years of service are 10 years(inclusive) and 10 to 20 years, and in the overall performance of school competitive advantage are higher than whose years of service are 10 years(inclusive).
    G. The perception of teachers as "subject teacher" in overall performance of principal`s knowledge leadership in teacher’s background variables of position are higher than "class instructor" in New Taipei City primary school. There are no significant differences in the overall performance of school dynamic capabilities, school competitive advantage in teacher’s background variables of teacher’s positions in New Taipei City primary school.
    H. The perception of teachers have different academic degrees that there are no significant differences in the overall performance of school dynamic capabilities, school competitive advantage in teacher’s background variables of teacher’s academic degrees in New Taipei City primary school.
    I. The perception of teachers work at the scale of school "the numbers of 76 classes(inclusive)" in the overall performance of principal`s knowledge leadership in teacher’s background variables of school scale are the highest. In the variables of resource advantage of school competitive advantage are higher than the scale of school "the numbers of 25 classes(inclusive). There are no significant differences in the overall performance of school competitive advantage in school background variables of school scale in New Taipei City primary school.
    J. The perception of teachers work at different school history that there are no significant differences in the overall performance of principal’s knowledge leadership, school dynamic capabilities, school competitive advantage in school background variables of school history in New Taipei City primary school.
    K. The principal’s knowledge leadership has direct effect on school dynamic capabilities and school dynamic capabilities has direct effect on school competitive advantage.
    L. The positive effect of principals` knowledge leadership on school competitive advantage could be completely moderated by school dynamic capabilities.
    M. The structural equation model of principals` knowledge leadership, school dynamic capabilities, and school competitive advantage in elementary school was confirmed and supported.
    According to research result the recommendations are as following:
    A. The principals should play knowledge leadership, and school dynamic capabilities, to indirectly promote the school competitive advantage.
    B. The principals should develop sustainable knowledge innovation, strengthen the administrative integration and establish related education professional community.
    C. The principals should establish a communication platform, accept and respect different opinions, and set a campus environment of kind, trust and sense of belonging.
    D. The principals should advocate the international thinking, cultivate international talents, to increase the competitive advantage.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103171003
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