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Title: | 鹹海流域水資源治理之研究 A Study on Water Governance in the Aral Sea Basin |
Authors: | 徐蘢芊 Xu, Long Qian |
Contributors: | 林永芳 Lin, Yung Fang 徐蘢芊 Xu, Long Qian |
Keywords: | 鹹海 國際水資源 新現實主義 新自由制度主義 衝突 合作 Aral Sea International Water Resources Neorealism Neoliberal Institutionalism Conflict Cooperation |
Date: | 2016 |
Issue Date: | 2016-12-07 10:48:35 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 二十一世紀,水資源問題已經成為國際社會共同關注的焦點。它不僅關係到地球生態系統的維繫和人類社會的可持續發展,還對當代國際關係產生廣泛深遠的影響。尤其是水資源匱乏地區,水資源問題已成為影響該地區國家間關係的重要因素,甚至對地區的和平與發展穩定構成威脅。 受地理因素影響,中亞地區的水資源多為跨境水體,造成了該地區水資源開發主體的多樣性。各國對水資源長期不合理的開發利用,產生了一系列的浪費及污染問題,引發了許多國際爭端。為此,中亞各國簽訂一系列雙邊、多邊協議,試圖通過國際合作來解決跨境水資源問題,然而卻無法形成一個長期有效的合作機制。圍繞國際水資源的利用、開發、管理而產生的爭端依然困擾著中亞。 本文首先是闡述中亞水資源概況及開發歷程,探索中亞水資源問題產生的根源。其次,從中亞各國之間採取的政策互動入手,分析探討中亞在國際水資源開發中的「合作困境」。最後借鑒國際跨境水資源利用現狀與趨勢,分析構建有助於目標實現的制度安排,從而提出中亞國際水資源合作的解決途徑。通過構建切實發揮效能的區域水資源合作機制,推動中亞各國內部實現更好發展,同時促進整個中亞及鄰國、周邊地區的穩定發展。 In the 21st century, the issue of water resources has become the focus of common concern of the international community. It is not only related to the maintenance of the earth`s ecosystem and the sustainable development of human society, but also has a far-reaching impact on contemporary international relations. Especially in water-scarce areas, water resources has become an important factor affecting relations among countries in the region, and even poses a threat to regional peace and development and stability. Due to geographical factors, water resources in Central Asia are mostly transboundary water bodies, resulting in the diversification of water resources development in the region. The unreasonable exploitation and utilization of water resources in a long period of time has brought about a series of waste and pollution problems, which has caused many international disputes. To this end, the Central Asian countries signed a series of bilateral and multilateral agreements, trying to solve international water resources through cross-border issues, but can not form a long-term effective cooperation mechanism. Disputes over the use, development and management of international water resources continue to haunt Central Asia. This paper firstly elaborates the general situation and development process of water resources in Central Asia, and explores the root causes of water resources problems in Central Asia. Secondly, this paper analyzes the interaction dilemma of Central Asia in international water resources development from the policy interaction among the countries of Central Asia. Finally, it draws lessons from the current situation and trend of international transboundary water resources utilization, analyzes and constructs the institutional arrangements that will help the target to achieve, and then proposes the solutions to the international water resources cooperation in Central Asia. Through the construction of effective regional water resources cooperation mechanism, it can promote better development within the Central Asian countries, and stimulate the stable development of the whole Central Asia, the neighboring countries and even the surrounding areas. |
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