參考文獻: | 中文部份: 1.「全面提升會計師制度計劃草案」,會計研究第19.期,台北:政治大學會計研究學會編印,民國七十三年元月:頁125 ~ 129 2.林柄滄著,「光把會計師移送法辦並不能解決問題」,眾信崇慶會計,台北:眾信崇慶會計師事務所出版,民國七十二年十月:頁7~ 9。 3.呂惠民著,「我國會計師簽證制度之研究」,台北:東吳會計研究所碩士論文:民國六十八年七月,頁27. ~ 38.。 4.許崇源著,「我國會計師稅務簽證功能之研究」,台北:政大會計研究所碩士論文:民國六十八年六月:頁83 ~ 116。 英文部份: 1. Lothian, Niall. "The Audit and Fee:Views from the Boardroom." The Accountant`s Magazine, April / May 1983, PP. 135 ~ 140, PP 180~183. 2. Smith, David D. "Away with the Audit Reguirement!" The Accountant`s Magazine, November 1979, PP. 456 ~ 457 3. Editorial, "Value for Money Audit.", The Accountant`s Magazine, Tune 1981, P. 210. 4. Bfiston, R J and Perks, R "The External Andit, its Role and Cost to Society," Accountancy, Nevember 1977. 5. Mantle, P "What Finance Directors Think of Their Auditer," The Accounting Bulletin, October 1982. 6. Briston R J, "The Accountancy Profession-The Accountant`s Magazine, November 1979, PP. 458 ~ 460 7. Cork, Sir Kenneth "The Auditor Must Interfere`," The Accountant 13. , January 1983. |