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    Title: 中共革命輸出 : 緬甸個案分析
    Authors: 陳美玲
    Contributors: 段家鋒
    Date: 1984
    Issue Date: 2016-11-11 16:46:26 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 論文提要
    第一章 導論1
    第一節 研究主題的重要性1
    第二節 緬甸概述8
    第三節 研究重點、論文架構及研究限制18
    第二章 中共意識型態輸出31
    第一節 俄共卵翼下的中共奪取政權31
    第二節 中共進入世界革命戰略階段34
    第三節 中共革命經驗輸出緬甸41
    第三章 影響中共對緬政策的國際背景57
    第一節 突破美國圍堵期-中共笑臉外交57
    第二節 文革期始末-從外交凍結到解凍63
    第三節 區域權力關係改變-中蘇共對緬爭奪71
    第四章 影響「中」緬關係的緬甸國內因素91
    第一節 在外力下生存的緬甸共產黨91
    第二節 緬甸少數民族叛亂99
    第三節 緬甸中立政策的形成與發展110
    第五章 結論131
    第一節 中共對緬甸政府與緬共關係消長趨勢134
    第二節 中共對緬政策與中共外交政策轉變的關係139

    1 - 1 緬甸地理位置8
    1 - 2 緬甸石油分佈圖10
    1 - 3 緬甸行政區的劃分和首府11
    1 - 4 緬甸叛亂地區16
    2 - 1 緬共盤據之叢林區42
    2 - 2一九七五年緬共叛亂被政府粘平45
    3 - 1 胡志明小徑73
    3 - 2 蘇聯在中南半島對中共包圍的態勢74
    4 - 1 緬甸民族分佈圖100
    4 - 2緬共與少數民族叛軍聯盟107

    3 - 1 一九六七年前中共與各國建交情況一覽表69
    4 - 1紅色社會主義派之發展98
    附錄二:一九二九 - 一九六六年毛澤東論人民戰爭摘錄173
    Reference: 一、中文部份
    (一) 原始資料
    「中國共產黨第九屆中央委員會第二次全體會議公報」,匪情年報(一九七一)。台北:中共研究雜誌社,一九七年七月:頁七11 - 13。
    中華人民共和國對外關係文件集(第一集:一九四九 - 一九五○)。北京:世界知識出版社,一九五七年。
    中華人民共和國對外關係文件集(二 - 四集:一九五一 - 一九五七)。北京:世界知識出版社,一九五八年。
    「緬甸」,世界知識年鑑(一九八二)。北京:世界知識出版社,一九八二年十二月:頁100 - 106。
    「中共對東南亞的顛覆活動」,匪情年報(一九六九)。台北:國防部情報局,民國五十八年六月:頁陸13 - 22。
    Sheldon W. Simon,蔡善瑩譯。亞洲中立主義與美國政策。台北:成文出版社,民國六十六年五月。
    「把無產階級文化大革命進行到底」,紅旗,一期。北京:一九六七年一月一日:頁4 - 13。
    「毛共與緬甸之交惡」,問題與研究,七卷三期。台北:五十六年十二月:頁32 - 35。
    「匪俄對緬甸之爭奪」,問題與研究,八卷三期。台北:五十七年十二月:頁35 - 38。
    羅石圃。「中共對中南半島輸出戰爭計劃之研究」,東亞季刊,二卷四期。台北:民國六十年四月:頁17 - 36。
    ______。「十年來東南亞國家國際關係之演變」,問題與研究,十一卷一期。台北:民國六十年十月十日:頁29 - 34。
    徐熙光。「匪俄衝突的檢討」,問題與研究,十一卷三期。台北:民國六十年十二月十日:頁39 - 41。
    羅石圃。「民族主義在緬甸的評價」,東亞季刊,五卷三期。台北:民國六十三年一月:頁128 - 145。
    ______。「緬甸一黨專政的前因後果」,問題與研究,三卷六期。台北:民國六十三年三月:頁68 - 73。
    「趙紫陽總理二月一日在曼谷舉行記者招待會」,新華月報,四三六期。北京:一九八一年二月號:頁167 - 169。
    羅石圃。「中共與緬甸關係的陰霾」,問題與研究,二十卷十期。台北:民國七十年七月:頁40 - 48。
    ______。「緬甸中立外交的歷程和趨向」,問題與研究,二十一卷十期。台北:民國七十一年七月:頁44 - 52。
    鄭宇碩。「新時期的中國外交」,廣角鏡月刊,一三八期。香港:一九八四年三月:頁14 - 22。
    Paul Kelemen,李國雄譯。「蘇聯東南亞戰略中的越南因素」,亞洲與世界文摘,一卷五期。台北:民國七十三年十一月:頁58 - 63。
    蘇起。「中蘇共關係淺析」,亞洲與世界文摘,一卷五期。台北:民國七十三年十一月:頁46 - 50。
    David Housego,東川一譯。「緬甸閉門建設社會主義」,南洋商報。新加坡:一九八一年五月二十四日。

    (I) Yearbooks
    "Burma." Milorad M. Drachkvitch ed.. 1966 Yearbook on International Communist Affairs. Stanford, California: Hoover Institution Press, 1967. pp. 356-357.
    Hereafter, the Yearbook on International Communist Affairs will be referred to as YICA, and the publishing information being repetitive will be omitted.
    "Burma." Richard V. Allen ed.. 1968 YICA (1969). pp. 60-66.
    "Burma." Richard F. Staar ed... 1969 YICA(1970). pp. 85-93.
    "Burma." Richard F. Staar ed.. 1970 YICA(1971). pp. 520-529.
    "Burma." Richard F. Staar ed.. 1971 YICA(1971). pp.524-529.
    Turner, Robert F. "Burma." Richard F. Staar ed. 1972 YICA(1972). pp. 451-456.
    Fleischmann, Klaus. "Burma." Richard F. Staar ed.. 1973 YICA(1973). pp. 413-419.
    ________."Burma." Richard F. Staar ed.. 1974 YICA(1974). pp. 404-410.
    ________. "Burma." Richard F. Staar ed. 1975 YICA(1975). pp. 295-301.
    ________. "Burma." Richard F. Staar ed.. 1976 YICA(1976). pp. 245-250.
    ________. "Burma." Richard F. Staar ed.. 1977 YICA(1977). pp. 253-259.
    ________. "Burma." Richard F. Staar ed.. 1978 YLCA(1978). pp. 219-225.
    ________."Burma." Richard F. Staar ed.. 1979 YICA(1979). pp. 223-226.
    Wiant, Jon A. "Burma." Richard F. Staar ed. 1980 YICA(1980). pp. 228-231.
    ________. & Charles B. Smith. "Burma." Richard F. Staar ed.. 1982 YICA(1982). pp. 169-174.
    Belmont, Paul & Jon A. Wiant. "Burma." Richard F. Staar ed. . 1984 YICA(1984). pp. 204-208.
    (II) Books
    Crozier, Brian. Southeast-East Asia in Turmoil. London: Penguin Books, 1966.
    Gurtov, Melvin. China and Southeast Asia--The Politics of Survival. Lexington, Massachusetts: D. C. Heath Company, 1971.
    Hinton, Harold C. Communist China in World Politics. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1966.
    Holsti, K. J. et al.. Why Nations Realign: Foreign Policy Restructuring in the Postwar World. London, George Allen & Unwin, 1982.
    Lewis, John Wilson ed.. Peasant Rebellion and Communist Revolution in Asia. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 1974.
    Ness, Peter Van. Revolution and Chinese Foreign Policy. Berkeley and Los Angeles, California: University of California, 1970.
    Pye, Lucian W. Politics, Personality and Nation Building: Burma’s Search for Identity. New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 1962.
    Steinberg, David I. Burma: A Socialist Nation of Southeast Asia. ‘Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1981.
    Silverstein, Josef. Burma--Military Rule and the Politics of Stagnation. Ithaca, New York: The Cornell University, 1977.
    Taylor, Jay. China and Southeast Asia: Peking`s Relations with Revolutionary Movements. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1976.
    Wilson, Dick. The Neutralization of Southeast Asia. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1975.
    (Ⅲ) Articles
    "A Good Example of Peaceful Coexistence amomg Asian Countries." Peking Review, August 9, 1960. pp. 12-13.
    Holems, Robert A. "Burmese Domestic Policy: The Politics of Burmanization." Asian Survey 7(March 1967):188-197.
    Badgley, John H. "Burma`s China Crisis: The Choices Ahead." Asian Survey 2 (November 1967): 753-761.
    Trager, Frank N. "Sino-Burmese Relations: The End of the Pauk Phaw Era." Orbis 11(Winter 1968):1034-1054.
    Thakin Ba Thien Tin. "Dare to Make Sacrifice, Dare to Struggle, Dare to Win Victory." Peking Review March 28, 1969. p. 8.
    Chang, David W. "The Military and Nation-Building in Korea, Burma and Pakistan." Asian Survey 9(November 1969):825-827.
    Holmes, Robert A. "The Sino-Burmese Rift: A Failure for China." Orbis 16(Spring 1972):211-236.
    ________ "Burma`s Foreign Policy Since 1962." Pacific Affairs 45(Summer 1972):240-254.
    Peiris, Denzil. "A Friend in Need." Far Eastern Economic Review, February 18, 1974. p.32.
    Bert, Wayne. "Chinese Relations with Burma and Indonesia." Asian Survey 15(June 1975): 473-480.
    Martin, Edwin W. "Burma in 1975: New Dimensions: to Non-Alignment." Asian Survey 16(February 1976): 173-177.
    Leifer, Michael. "China and Southeast Asia." Pacific Community 9(October 1977):84-95.
    Kalyani Bandyopadhyaya. "China in Burma`s Foreign Relations in the 1970`s." China Report 8( Nov.-Dec. 1977):42-52.
    Girling, J. L. S. "Southeast Asia and the Great Powers." Pacific Community 9(January 1978): 199-211.
    Hennessy, Frank. "Peking Comfort for Rebels." Far Eastern Economic Review, March 3, 1978. p.20.
    Fitzgerald, C. P. "The Power Structure in Asia Since the Viet Nam War." Pacific Community 9(April 1978):264-275.
    McBeth, John. "Rangoon wears Them Down." Far Eastern Economic Review, May 29, 1981. p.20.
    Simon, Sheldon W. "Small Power-Great Power Security Relations in Southeast Asia." Asian Survey 23(March 1983):302-315.
    Lintner, Bertil. "Alliances of Convenience." Far Eastern Economic Review, April 14, 1983. pp. 23-30.
    Neilsen, "Sweet-and-Sour Politics." Time, January 23, 1984. pp. 6-10.
    Kelemen, Paul. "Soviet Strategy in Southeast Asia." Asian Survey 24(March 1984):335-348.
    (Ⅳ) Newspapers
    Topping, Seymour. "Burma`s Aim: An East-West Balance." The New York Times, December 30, 1963. p.6.
    Kamm, Henry. "U.S. Arms Aid to Burma Nears & 80-Million." The New York Times, August 25, 1970. p.3.
    Browne, Malcolm W. "Isolationist Burma Seems to Be Opening Door a Crack." The New York Times, August 18, 1971. p.2.
    Durdin, Tillman. "Big-Power Duel Worries Burma." The New York Times, February 14, 1972. p.7.
    "“Chinese Supported Rebels Gain in Burma." The New York Times, January 21, 1973. p.3.
    Weinraub, Bernard. "Rebels in Burma Spreading South." The New York Times, September 20, 1973. p.16.
    "Burma Says Communist Rebels Are Defeated and Chiefs Dead." The New York Times, March 22, 1975. p.9.
    "As Fighting on Border Grows, So Does Burma`s Fear of China." The New York Times, August 7, 1975. p.2.
    Kamm, Henry. "Guerrilla Warfare is Widening in Burma." The New York Times, October 6, 1977. p.7.
    ________."China`s Teng Leaves Burma After Mystery Visit." The New York Times. February 1, 1978. p.4.
    Sterba, James P. "Burma, Long Isolationist, Is Looking Abroad for Aid." The New York Times, June 14, 1979. p.2.
    Kamm, Henry. "With China Help, Rebels in Burma Keep Fighting." The New York Times, August 7, 1980. p.2.
    ________."Burmese About to Sign Aid Accord With U.S.." The New York Times, October 25, 1981. p.13.
    "Joint Statement Issue on Internal Peace." FBIS--Asia & Pacific, September 2, 1982. pp. G1-2.
    "Communist Greet CPT on Founding Anniversary." FBIS--Asia & Pacific, December 2, 1982. p. G1.
    "BCP, SSPP Issue Joint Statement on Talks." FBIS--Asia & Pacific, March 16, 1983. p. G4.
    "Article Marks Anniversary of Revolution." FBIS--Asia & Pacific, March 29, 1983. p. G5-8.
    Campbell, Colin. "Rock, B-Moives and Traffic Tie--Ups Are Making Inroads on Burmese Life." The New York Times, July 23, 1983. p.2.
    Relation: 國立政治大學
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[東亞研究所] 學位論文

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