Reference: | 壹、英文方面: 一、英文資料 1. Civil Service Reform Act, (92 Stat IV, 1978) 2. Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1978. 3. Reorganization Plan No. 2 of 1979. 4.U. S. President’s Reorganization Project, Personnel Management Project, Volumn 1, Final Staff Report ; Volumn 2, Appendices to the Final Staff Report, Washington : Government Printing Office, December, 1977. 5. U. S. Office of Personnel Management, Organization of the U. S. Office of Personnel Management, January, 1981 6. U. S. Merit System Protection Board, U. S. MSPB Second Annual Report, F. Y. 1981. 7. Federal Labor Relations Authority and the Federal Service Impasses Panel, First Annual Report, F. Y. 1979. 8. The U. S. Government Manual. U. S. GPO, 1977. 9. The U. S. Statistical Abstract, 1940~1976. 10. Federal Civilian Workforce Statistic Monthly Release, U. S. Office of Personnel Management 1981. 11. Launching Civil Service Reform, Summary Report of the Program Development Conference October, 22~25 1978. 12. Civil Service Reform: A Report on the First Year, U. S. Office of Personnel Management January, 1980. 13. U. S. Civil Service Commission Fiscal 1978 Annual Report, U. S. Office of Personnel Management, April, 25, 1979. 14. Conference Report on Pullic Personnel Management Reform, U. S. Civil Service Commission, May, 1978. 二、英文期刊 1. Jimmy Carter, “Text of Address by the President to the National Press Club”, Washington Post March, 3, 1978. 2. Herbert N. Jasper, “The Merit System: She Ain’t What She Used to be”, The Bureaucrat, Winter, 1979~1980. 3. “An Inside Look at Our Runaway Buseaucracy” U.S. News & World Report, (October, 3, 1977. ) 4. The New York Times, May, 17. 1978. 5. Time, March, 6, 1978. 6. T. F. ter Horst, “Civil Service : It’s Time for Reform ” , The Pittsburgh Press, ( April, 12,1978. ) 7. Alan. K. Campbell , “Civil Service Reform : A New Commitment” Public Administration Review , ( March / April, 1978.) 8. Bernard Rosen, “Merit and the President’s Plan for Changing the Civil Service System” Pullic Administration Review, (July / August, 1978.) 9. Fredrick C. Thayer, “The President`s Management Reform: Theory X Triumphant” Public Administration Review, ( July / August, 1978.) 10. Lawrence C. Howard, “Civil Service Reform: A Minority and Women’s Perspective” Public Administration Review, (July / August, 1978.) 11. Naomi B. Lynn & Richard, E. Vaden, “Bureaucratic Response to Civil Service Reform” Public Administration Review , ( July / August, 1979. ) 12. Naomi B. Lynn & Richard E. Vaden, “Federal Executives: Initial Reactions to Change” Administration & Society Vol. 12, No. 1 (Sage Publication. Inc., May 1980.) 13. Alan K. Campbell’ “Running out of Esteem?” Civil Service Journal, (March, 1978.) 14. Florence Isabel, Carter’s Civil Service Reform: 35 Percent Ifs, Buts, and Maybes”, Civil Liberties Review 5. (May / June, 1978.) 二、英文書籍 1. David Easton, A System Analysis of Political Life, (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1965.) 2. Kenneth J. Meier, Politics And The Bureaucracy (North Scituate Mass., Duxbury Press, 1979.) 3. F. N. Kerlinger, Foundation of Behavior Research (New York: Holt, Rivehart and Winston Inc.,1973.) 4. James E. Anderson, Public Policy -Making, (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1975) 5. Charles O. Jones, An Introduction to the Study of Public Policy, 2nd, edition, (North Scituate Mass.,: Duxbury Press, 1977) 6. Joseph N. Cayer, Managing Human Resources (New York: St. Martins’ Press, 1980) 7. Sidney H. Aronson, Status and Kinship in the Higher Civil Service (Cambridge Mass: Harvard University Press, 1964) 8. U.S. C. S. C. Biography of an Ideal: A History of the Federal Civil Service (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1973) 9. Donald R. Henry, The Civil Service Commission (New York: Praeger, 1970) 10. Darrell H. Smith, The United States Civil Service Commission, (Maryland Baltimor: The Johns Hopkins, Press, 1928) 11. Joseph P. Harris, Congressional Control of Administration. (Garden City, New York : Doubleday, 1964) 12. Glenn O. Stahl, Public Personnel Administration 7th edition (New York: Happer & Row, Publishers 1976) 13. Felix A. 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