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    Title: 馬克思異化理論之分析 : 政治構想的基因
    Authors: 楊慧玲
    Contributors: 朱堅章
    Date: 1984
    Issue Date: 2016-11-08 16:30:37 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 論文提要
    第一章 緒言1-1
    第一節 研究目的與範團1-1
    第二節 研究態度1-5
    第二章 異化的原因2-1
    第一節 階級的對立2-1
    第二節 私有財產與勞動分工2-13
    第三章 異化的勞動3-1
    第一節 客體化3-2
    第二節 佔有3-10
    第四章 異化的人4-1
    第一節 人與自然、人與自身的異化4-2
    第二節 人與人、人與產品的異化4-5
    第五章 異化的消弭之道5-1
    第一節 共產主義5-1
    第二節 實踐5-10
    第六章 結語6-1
    註釋 6-10
    壹、原始資料 參-1
    貳、中文書籍 參-1
    叁、未出版資料 參-2
    肆、期刊論文彙編 參-3
    伍、中文期刊 參-4
    陸、英文參考書目 參-6
    柒、英文書籍中之彙編 參-9
    一、出自Marxist Humanism and Praxis的文章 參-9
    二、出自Socialist Humanism 的文章 參-9
    三、叢書 參-10
    捌、英文期刊 參-11.
    Reference: 原始資料
    *1.馬克思恩格斯全集,第一卷。北京:人民出版社。1956 年。
    *2.馬克思恩格斯全集,第二卷。北京:人民出版社。1957 年。
    *6.劉丕坤譯,1844年經濟學--哲學手稿。北京:人民出版社。1978 年。
    6.Popper, Karl,歷史定論主義的窮困 (The Poverty of Historicism),李豐斌譯。台北:聯經出版事業公司,民70年。
    7. Hughes, H. Stuart,意識與社會(Consciousness and Society: The Relation of European Social Thought 1890-1930)李豐斌譯。台北:聯經出版社,民70年初版,71年二版。
    *4.孫月才,「人的復歸」芻議,pp. 244-248。
    5.袁亞愚,異化概念的理論意義和現實意義,pp. 337-343。
    6.張帆,也談馬克思「人化了的自然」,pp. 535-541。
    7.______,馬克思美學的哲學基礎,pp. 976-981。
    8.楊咏祈,關於異化勞動與美的創造的討論,pp. 1024-1025 。
    9.楊治經,勞動創造了美,pp. 883-893 。
    10.董天齊,馬克思的異化勞動理論及其發展,pp. 425-431 。
    11.劉詩白,論馬克思的異化勞動理論,pp. 382-406。
    12.陳先達,馬克思異化理論約兩次轉折,pp. 292-316。
    共匪原始資料彙編(第31號)(上、下冊)━ 馬克思「一八四四年經濟學--哲學手稿」與中共異化問題專輯,國防部總政治作戰部編印,民72年。
    1.王玉樑,"實踐標準是馬克思認識論的基礎," 人文雜誌,一期,一九八三年。
    *2.王成藝,"試論馬克思主義認識論的創立," 社會科學戰綫,三期,一九八三年。
    3.田錫宋,"論馬克思關于資本主義社會的異化勞動," 廈門大學學報,三期,一九八三年。
    4.曲戈,盛廣智合著,"馬克思《1844年經濟學--哲學手稿》美學二題," 東北師大學報,三期,一九八三年。
    5.李敏生,曹盛村合著,"馬克思的實踐觀與共產主義學說," 社會科學戰綫,一期,一九八三年。
    6.李樹申,"共產主義與人類解放," 東北師大學報,二期,一九八三年。
    7.季象圖,"論人的本質`異化` 理論與歷史唯物論觀的對立," 江淮論壇,三期,一九八三年。
    8.姚伯茂,"認識的源泉是實踐而不是物質," 社會科學,五期,一九八三年。
    9.曹盛林,"《關于費爾巴哈的提綱》的產生與無產階級的革命實踐," 江漢論壇,四期,一九八三年。
    11.劉剛紀,"正確評價《經濟學--哲學手稿》," 江漢論壇,一期,一九八三年。
    *12.陳璋津譯,"馬克思哲學中的無神論的角色," 共黨問題研究,二卷十一期,民65年。
    *13.陳璋津譯,"馬克思論類存在物與社會本質," 共黨問題研究," 二卷九期,民65年。
    14.遠志明、薛德震合著,"馬克思關于人的需要即人的本質的學說," 江淮論壇,三期,一九八三年。

    * 1. Avineri, Shlomo, The Social and Political Thought of Karl Marx (London: Cambridge University Press, 1968).
    * 2. Axelos, Kostas, Alienation, Praxis and Techne in the Thought of Karl Marx, trans. Ronald Bruzina (Austin &London: University of Texas Press, 1976).
    * 3. Dahrendorf, Raif, Class and Class Conflict in Industrial Society (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1959).
    * 4. Fromm, Erich, Marx’s Concept of Man, 2nd ed. (New York: Ungar Publisher Co., 1975).
    * 5. Giddens, Anthony, Capitalism and Modern Social Theory: An Analysis of the Writings of Marx, Durkheim and Max Weber (台北:唐山出版社翻印,民69年)。
    6. Gould, Carol C., Marx’s Social Ontology: Individuality and Community in Marx’s Theory of Social Reality Massachusetts: M.I.T. Press, 1978).
    * 7. Israel, Joachim, Alienation: From Marx to Modern Sociology (Sussex: Harverster Press, 1971; reprinted ed., 1979).
    * 8. John, Puthenpeedikail M., Marx on Alienation: Elements of a Critique of Capitalism and Communism (Watertown: India Press, 1976).
    * 9. Kolakowski, Lezek, Main Currents of Marxism: Its Rise, Growth, and Dissolution. Vol.1: The Founders, trans. P.S. Falla (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1978).
    10. Lukacs, Georg, History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, trans. Rodney Livingstone (London: Merlin Press, 1971).
    11. Lukacs, Georg, The Ontology of Social Being: Labor (London: Merlin Press, 1980).
    12. Mandel, Ernest & George Novack, The Marxist Theory of Alienation (New York: Pathfinder Press, 1970).
    *13. Marcuse, Herbert, Reason and Revolution: Hegel and the Rise of Social Theory, 2nd ed. (New York: The Humanities Press, 1954).
    14. Mcllellan, David, Karl Marx (Middlessx: Penguin Books Press, 1975).
    *15. Meszaros, Istvan, Marx’s Theory of Alienation (London: Merlin Press, 1975; reprinted 1978).
    *16. Ollman, Bertell, Alienation: Marx’s Concept of Man in Capitalist Society, 2nd ed. (London: Cambridge University Press, 1976).
    *17. Pappenheim, Fritz, The Alienation of Modern Man: An Introduction eased on Marx and Tonnies (New York & London: Modern Reader Paperbacks Press, 1959).
    *18. Parekh, Bhikhu, ed. The Concept of Socialism (New York: Holmes and Meier Publishers Inc., 1975).
    *19. Plamenatz, John, Karl Marx’s Philosophy of Man (Oxford; Clarendon Press, 1975).
    *20. Plamenatz, John, Man and Society: A Critical Examination of Some Important Social and Political Theories from Machiavelli to Marx (London: Longmans Press, 1963).
    *21. Schacht, Richard, Alienation, with an Introductory Essay by Walter Kaufmann (New York: Doubleday & Company, Inc., Press, 1970).
    *22. Selucky, Radoslav, Marxism, Socialism, Freedom: Towards a General Democratic Theory of Labor-Managed System (New York: St. Martins Press, 1979).
    *23. Singer, Peter, Marx (New York: Hill and Wang Press, 1980).
    *24. Swingwood, Alan, Marx and Modern Social Theory (London & Basingstoke: The Macmillan Press, 1975).
    25. Tom B. Bottomore and M. J. Mulkay gen. ed., Controversies in Sociology: 12 (London: George Allen & Unwin publishers Ltd., 1982).
    Vol.12: Max Weber and Karl Marx by Karl Löwith, ed. with an Introduction by Tom Bottomore and William Outhwait, trans. Hans Fantel.
    26. Torrance, John, Estrangement, Alienation and Exlopitation: A Sociological Approach to Historical Materialism (New York: Columbia University Press, 1977).
    27. Tucker, Robert C., The Marxian Revolutionary Idea (London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1969).
    *28. Vazquez, Adolfo S., The Philosophy of Praxis, trans. Mike Gonzalez (London: Merlin Press, 1977).
    *29. Wood, A. Allen, Karl Marx (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul Press, 1981).
    一、出自Marxist Humanism and Praxis 的文章
    1. Golubovic, zagorka, “Self-Realization, Equality, and Freedom.” In Marxist Humanism and Praxis, pp.175-183, ed. & trans. by Gerson S. Sher (New York: Prometheus Books, 1978) (以下編者、譯者及出版地、出版公司與出版時間均同,從略)
    2. Markovic, Mihailo, “Reason and Historical Praxis.” In Marxist Humanism and Praxis, pp.19-33.
    3. Petrovic, Gajo, “Philosophy arid politics in Socialism.” In Marxist Humanism and praxis, pp.7-18.
    4. Vranick, Predrag, “Socialism and the Problem of Alienation.” In Marxist Humanism and Praris, pp.35-46.
    二、自出Socialist Humanism 的文章
    1. Baczko, Bronislaw, “Marx and the Idea of the Universality of Man.” with an Introduction by Erich Fromm. In Socialist Humanism, pp.182-198, ed. by Erich Fromm (New York: Doubleday & Company Inc., 1965) (以下編者、出版時、地及公司均同,從略)
    *2. Fritzhand, Marek, “Marx’s Ideal of Man.” with an Introduction by Erich Fromm. In Socialist Humanism, pp.172-181.
    *3. Markovic Mihailo, “Humanism and Dialectic.” with an Introduction by Erich Fromm. In Socialist Humanism1 pp.84-97.
    *4. Petrovic, Gajo, “Man arid Freedom.” with an Introduction by Erich Fromm. In Socialist Humaniarn, pp.273-279.
    *5.Rubel, Maximilien, “Reflections on utopia and Revolution.” with an Introduction by Erich Fromm. In Socialist Humanism, pp.211-219.
    6. Volope, Galvano della, “The Legal Philosophy of Socialism.” with an Introduction by Erich Fromm. In Socialist Humanism pp.425-440.
    1. John Mepham & D-H Ruben gen. ed., Issues in Marxist Philosophy, 4 vols. (Sussex: Harvester Press, 1981) Vol.1: Dialectics and Method______ “Dialectics and Labor " by Chris Arthur.
    2. John Mepham & D-H Ruben gen. ed., Issues in Marxist Philosophy, 4 Vols. (Sussex: Harvester Press, 1981) Vol.2: Materialism______ “Historical Materialism” by G. Hellman.
    *3. John Mepham & D-H Ruben gen. ed., Issues in Marxist Philosophy, 4 Vols. (Sussex: Harvester Press, 1981)Vol.2: Materialism ________“ Marx’s Thses on Feuerbach: Nates Toward a Commentary (with a New Translation)” by Wal Suchting.
    4. John Mepham & D-H Ruben gen. ed., Issues in Marxist Philosophy, 4 Vols. (Sussex: Harvester Press, 1981) Vo1.3: Social and Political Philosophy______ “ On the ‘Withering-Away’ of the Superstructure” by Timothy O’Hagan.
    1. Alcaly, Roger & Sidney Morgenbesser, “Surplus Value: The Oft Neglected Argument,” Social Research 46(2) (Summ, 1979) pp.282-290.
    2. Baron, Bentley Le, “Marx on Human Emancipation,” Canadian Journal of Political Science 4(4) (Dec. 1971) pp.559-570.
    3. Berki, R. N., “On the Nature and Origins of Marx’s Concept of Labor,” Political Theory 7(1) (Feb.1979) pp. 35-56.
    4. Cohen, G. A., “The Labor Theory of Value arid the Concept of Exploitation,” Philosophy and Public Affairs 8(4) (Summ. 1979) pp.338-360.
    * 5. Chamberlain, Gary L., “The Man Marx Made,” Science and Society 27(3) (Summ. 1963) pp.302-320.
    6. Crosby, John F., “Evolutionism and the Ontology of the Human Persons: Critique of the Marist Theory of the Emergence of Mam,” The Review of Politics 38(2) (April 1976) pp.208-243.
    7. Enfield, Roy, “Marx and Historical Law,” History and Theory 15(3) 1976, pp.267-277.
    8. Gregor, A. James, “Marx, Feuerbach and the Reform of the Hegelian Dialectic,” Science and Society 29(1) (Winter 1965) pp.66-80.
    9. Kain, Philip J.., “Estrangement and the Dictatoship of the Proletariat,” political Theory 7(4) (Nov.1979) pp. 509-520.
    10. Lane, Robert E., “Waiting for Lefty: The Capitalist Genesis of Socialist Man,” Theory and Sociey 16(1) (July, 1978) pp.1-28.
    11. Lewis, Haskell and Jacob Morris, “Marx’s Concept of Fetishism,” Science and Society 41(2) (Summ.1977) pp.172-190.
    12. Lewis, John, “Marx’s View of Alienation,” Marxism Today 8(1) (Jan. 1964) pp.17-22.
    13. Myers, David B., “Marx and Transcendence of Ethical Humanism,” Studies in Soviet Thought 21(1980) pp.319-330.
    14. O’Malley, Joseph J., “History and Man’s ‘Nature’ in Marx” Review of Politics 28(4) (Oct.1966) pp.508-527.
    15. O’Malley, Joseph J., “Marx’s ‘Economics’ and Hegel’s Philosophy of Right: An Essay on Marx’s Hegelianism," Political Studies 24(1.) (1976) pp.43-56.
    16. O’Neill, John, “The Concept of Estrangement in the Early and Later Writings of Karl Marx,” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 25 (1)(Dec.1964) pp.64-84.
    17. Pachter, Henry N., “The Idea of Progress in Marxism,” social Research 41(1)(Spr. 1974) pp.136-161.
    *18. Rasmussen, David M., “Marx: On Labor, Praxis and Instrumental Reason,” Studies in Soviet Thought 20 (1979) pp.271-289.
    19. Rasmussen, David M., “The Symbolism of Marx: From Alienation to Fetishism,” Culture Hermeneutics 3(1) (May 1975) pp.41-55.
    *20. Shaw, Gary C., “Socialist Individualism,” Studies in Soviet Thought 21(1980) pp.331-339.
    21. Somerville, John “Marxist Ethics, Determinism, and Freedom,” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 28(1) (Sept.1967) pp.17-23.
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    Data Type: thesis
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