Abstract: | 由於數位科技進步,媒體產業發生了戲劇性的變化;各國政府相繼調整監理體制,發展出公民社會、政府與媒體三者共同管理的夥伴關係機制,以因應產業快速變遷。本文蒐集澳大利亞、加拿大、德、英、荷等國有關廣電節目、廣告和新媒體內容之共管機制,探討比較其制度之建立、運作等特點。\\r 國家通訊傳播委員會(NCC)成立於 2006 年,作為通訊傳播媒 體業的監理機關,NCC 曾一再揭示以公民參與和發展公民社會夥伴 關係的政策方向,強化其監理效能。本文引介國外公民社會參與媒體 內容治理的經驗、比較國內外傳播內容治理運作概況,建議 NCC 須 培植民間社會在參與監理的運作能量,並透過法制等必要措施,建立 與民間社會合作的共管機制。 Media industry in the world has been changing dramatically in the past decades. Governments of the industrial world changed their regulation systems to adapt to the fast moving situation by incorporating the civil society to constitute a triangle partnership among government, media industry and civil society. The regulation systems on media content and the civil partnership mechanism of the industrial countries, including Australia, Canada, Germany, Netherlands, and UK, are examined and compared. The National Communications Commission (NCC) of the Republic of China (Taiwan) was established in 2006. NCC is the regulator of the media industry and is probing to introduce non-governmental organizations to enhance the quality of the regulation and to adopt the civil society partnership, following the experiences of industrial countries. Policies of NCC on media content are examined and recommendations are proposed. The study suggests that NCC needs to cultivate the competency of the civil society in monitoring the functioning of the media industry and, through various measures necessary, to establish co-regulation relationship with the civil society. |