题名: | 公共電視企業文化、管理運作與組織溝通之關聯性研究 |
其它题名: | The Public Television Service in Taiwan:Its Culture, Management, And Organizational Communication |
作者: | 秦琍琍 Chin, Li-Li |
关键词: | 公共電視;企業文化;組織傳播;組織真實;管理運作 PTS;organizational culture;organizational communication;management |
日期: | 2001-09 |
上传时间: | 2016-09-05 16:40:04 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 公共電視開播已近三年,從「公共電視籌備委員會」到「公共電 視台」的開播過程中,公視除了歷經三個試播階段以解決訊號問題與 瞭解觀眾反應外,整個組織在各階段的運作上,雖然朝著「服務社會 大眾、提昇國內傳播素質」的目標出發,但長久以來公視所面對的\\r 內、外環境之衝擊以及社會對於其所扮演功能角色的期望,似乎並不 是一部公視法能解決與規劃的。而為了組織運作與節目製播,公視在 開播之際及聘進大量新進人員,同時在開播之初也不段的更改組織結 構與更換高層人事,凡此種種不僅對原有之制度與結構造成衝擊,對 於人力資源的發展與管理、組織內部溝通、與企業文化共識的形成等 亦造成極大的考驗。\\r 因此,本研究即就公視從籌備到開播的過程中,探討其企業真實 (organizational reality)究竟為何,並進而瞭解其企業文化、組織運 作與組織溝通間各面向之關係。換言之,本研究乃將此一案例放入時 間與文化的脈絡中(temporal & cultural contextualization)作一整體的 檢視,一方面以時間的脈絡為經,從企業運作的各個面向分析公視的 過去、現在與未來;另方面以文化的脈絡為緯,自企業內部的各個層 次,探究企業內個人的認知、人際與團體部門間的互動、企業整體的 共識以及企業與外部社會環境間的溝通等,以透過這樣的檢視過程, 將公視的經營管理、組織結構、文化共識、領導與溝通模式等各個組 織運作的面向作一連結與呈現。 As an important symbol of democracy, the Public Television Service has undergone significant challenges during the past few decades in the Republic of China, on Taiwan. While policy-makers, communication scholars, media practitioners and people in various fields have called for the birth of the Public Television Service for many years, the development of PTS as an identifiable broadcaster with its own management philosophy, running policy and culture is relatively recent occurrence. This paper attempts to provide the reader an overall picture of the Public Television Service in Taiwan which including its establishment, development, present status and dilemmas. The primary goal for this article is to complete the map of the organizational reality of PTS in Taiwan by introducing its development, management, culture, and various challenges it faced today. By doing so, this paper employed various qualitative research methods (e.g., historical analysis, organizational ethnography, and discourse analysis) to (1) describe the history and current status of PTS; (2) examine the organizational reality (or realities) of PTS within the context of the broader society; and (3) explore the members’ perceptions of their organizations and the changes. Consequently, the relevant issues of its survival, such as managing and operating, advertising and funding, image and culture building, are also discussed in this paper. Although as evidenced by an increase in program rating, public acceptance, and funds, PTS still faces some growing pains. Particularly, the study shows that PTS seems to lack of an integrated culture that could help the organizational members to identity themselves with the organization. Without having good organizational communication strategies, PTS seems to suffer from the counter-cultures within it. This thorough examination of its establishment, development, and current status is used to suggest the top management of PTS to make more efforts on both its internal and external organizational communication. |
關聯: | 廣播與電視, 17, 35-72 Journal of Radio & Television Studies |
数据类型: | article |
显示于类别: | [亞洲廣電與新媒體研究 (原名:廣播與電視)] 期刊論文
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