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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/101172

    Title: 消除電離層高階項誤差以提昇GPS精密單點定位精度之研究
    Improving the Accuracy of GPS Precise Point Positioning by Eliminating the Higher Order Ionospheric Refraction Effects
    Authors: 洪婉綺
    Hung, Wan Chi
    Contributors: 林老生
    Lin, Lao Sheng
    Hung, Wan Chi
    Keywords: 全球定位系統
    Global Positioning System (GPS)
    Precise Point Positioning (PPP)
    Higher Order Ionospheric Refraction Effects
    Dual Frequency
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-09-02 00:51:53 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   全球定位系統(Global Positioning System,GPS)雙頻觀測資料經過處理後,其精密單點定位(Precise Point Positioning,PPP)之精度可達公分等級。然而,對於精度要求較高之應用,如控制測量、地殼變形監測等,公分級精度尚嫌不足。欲進一步提昇PPP之精度,必須考慮電離層第二、三階等高階項誤差之改正。本研究欲探討電離層高階項誤差對於台灣地區PPP之影響,因此本研究之目的為探討(1)不同方向誤差(2)太陽黑子高、低峰期(3)不同季節(4)不同地區,改正電離層高階項誤差前、後之精度效益。

      實驗使用之主要軟體與服務有:(1)RINEX_HO,由巴西São Paulo State University所開發,用以估計電離層高階項誤差,並產製改正電離層高階項誤差後之GPS RINEX觀測檔。(2)gLAB(global navigation satellite system –LABoratory),由gAGE(Research group of Astronomy and GEomatics Technical University of Catalonia in Spain)所開發,可進行PPP及誤差計算。(3)AUPOS,由Geoscience Australia所提供之免費線上GPS資料處理服務,可解算地表上任意位置坐標。實驗資料選擇台灣森泰儀器公司雙星eGPS差分訊號雲端服務網(Civil-NET)中四個觀測站2014年之觀測資料,以及五個台灣衛星追蹤站2009年至2015年之觀測資料,和精密星曆等其他資料。根據實驗結果發現,改正電離層高階項誤差,對於PPP之影響有幾點特性:(1)南北方向定位精度之影響量最大,改正前後差異最大達6.8mm。(2)太陽黑子低峰期觀測資料改正效果較佳,改正精度提昇比例為43%。(3)夏季觀測資料精度提昇效果最佳,提昇比例約為40%。(4)精度提昇效果最佳之測站為墾丁KDNM衛星追蹤站,定位精度提昇之比例約為48%。定位精度提昇效果最佳之時段為太陽黑子低峰時期之夏季,而提昇效果較佳之地區為南部觀測站。同時符合這些條件之觀測資料,在改正電離層高階項誤差後,精度提昇比例可達九成。
      The precise point positioning (PPP) accuracy can reach centimeter level using global positioning system (GPS) dual-frequency data. However, centimeter level accuracy is insufficient for high accuracy applications, such as control surveying, deformation monitoring, etc. To improve the accuracy of PPP, higher order ionospheric refraction effects must be taken into account. To investigate the effects on PPP accuracies in Taiwan caused by higher order ionospheric refraction errors, the purposes of this research are to evaluate the accuracy of PPP after higher order ionospheric refraction errors are corrected (1)of errors in different directions (2)using observation data in low or higher solar activity period (3)using observation data of different seasons (4) using observation data of different areas.

      There are two programs and one service applied in this paper: RINEX_HO, gLAB (global navigation satellite system-LABoratory) and AUPOS. (1)RINEX_HO, developed by São Paulo State University in Brazil, can estimate higher order ionospheric refraction terms and produce a corresponding corrected GPS observation file. (2)gLAB, developed by gAGE (Research group of Astronomy and GEomatics Technical University of Catalonia in Spain), can perform precise point positioning and calculate position errors. (3)AUPOS, provided by Geoscience Australia, can produce coordinates of observation stations. Experiment data sets are the observation data from 4 stations of Civil-NET of year 2014 and from 5 satellite tracking stations of Taiwan region of year 2009 to 2015, precise ephemeris and other data of international global navigation satellite system service (IGS). According to the experiment results, there are several characteristics after correcting higher order ionospheric refraction errors: (1)The most significant effects on the receiver positions occur in the north-south direction, and the largest difference between uncorrected and corrected PPP results is 6.8 mm. (2)The accuracies of corrected PPP results improve when the solar activity is low. About 43% PPP results in low solar activity improve after corrected. (3)Summer observation data have better outcome after higher order ionospheric refraction errors. About 40% of PPP results improve after corrected. (4)The observation data of KDNM station can get better PPP results after corrected. About 48% of PPP results improve after corrected. The best situation of correcting higher order ionospheric refraction errors is the observation data of southern stations in summer when the solar activity is low. Under these conditions, 90% of observation data PPP accuracy improved after correcting higher order ionospheric refraction errors.
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