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    Title: 我國政府機關「績效體系」與「績效實效體」之研究-以我國公立圖書館機關為例
    A Study of Performance Regime and Performance Complexity in National Central Library and Taipei Public Library
    Authors: 許介銘
    Hsu, Chieh Ming
    Contributors: 蘇偉業
    So, Wai Yip
    Hsu, Chieh Ming
    Keywords: 績效體系
    Performance regime
    Performance complexity
    Performance information
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-09-02 00:43:29 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 過去針對政府組織績效管理之研究,大部分是從組織內部的垂直控制角度出發,但鮮少討論到組織外部有哪些相關的組織抑或利害關係人會影響到該組織的績效發展。因此本研究利用Colin Talbot提出的績效體系框架為基礎,輔以課責交待與績效資訊使用之研究角度出發,分析我國公立圖書館機關其所處之績效體系(performance regime),進而在此績效體系下會產生何種績效實效體(performance complexity)。因此在此前提下,本研究主要挑選之研究個案為國家圖書館與台北市立圖書館。根據本研究之主要目的,筆者將績效體系分為三個主要層次的研究方向,首先辨識影響機關的外部機關組織暨外部利害關係人到底有哪些?再者這些外部利害關係人是如何來影響該機關?最後是機關如何因應並產生那些績效實效體?本研究發現,國家圖書館與台北市立圖書館皆屬於專家自主性高之績效體系,具備圖書館管理知識領域相關之專家有很高的自主性來定義圖書館的績效。而造成此現象的原因有二,原因一為上級機關負責管理下屬機關人員不足,上級人力無法負荷過多管制。原因二為上級機關所管理的社教機構太多,每個社教機構的業務繁雜且難以比較,因此賦予其自主管轄權。而兩機關雖同為專家自主性高的績效體系,但其專家決定機關政策及服務輸送機制上依然是有明顯之差異,兩機關在根本上所面對的客群即不同,國家圖書館是專業小眾,台北市立圖書館是一般普羅大眾,進而造成其背後專家決策的思維有所差異。
    Previous studies of government performance management mostly focused on the vertical control within organization, rarely discussing what stakeholders outside the organization affect the organization performance. Therefore, this study makes use of the framework of performance regime proposed by Colin Talbot as well as the perspectives of accountability and use of performance information to analyze the performance of National Central Library and Taipei Public Library.
    According to the main purpose of this study which is based on the theory of performance regime, the scope of the study is divided into three levels: first, to identify which external organizations or stakeholders affect the performance of the libraries; second, to understand how those external organizations or stakeholders influence the performance of the libraries; finally, how the libraries respond to it so as to generate a sort of performance complexity.
    The study finds that both National Central Library and Taipei Public Library belong to a performance regime in which experts enjoy a high degree of autonomy. Those experts who have professional knowledge concerning the management of library have much power to define the performance standard of library. There are two reasons to account for this phenomenon. First, there is no sufficient manpower for the higher authorities to take charge of the subsidiary agencies, so the former cannot effectively control the latter. Second, there are too many socio-education institutes under the jurisdiction of the higher authorities and the natures of these institutions vary from each other so widely that it is difficult to compare their performances. Due to these two reasons, the higher authorities give these subsidiary agencies more managerial autonomy.
    Although the two libraries share a similar performance regime in which experts enjoy a high degree of autonomy, their expert-led decisions and service delivery mechanisms are obviously different. Fundamentally, the two libraries are facing different customer groups, National Central Library facing is professional minority,
    Taipei Public Library facing is the general public. That is why there are varied thoughts behind the expert decisions.
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