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Title: | 李度與中國海關(1943-1950) L. K. Little and Chinese Maritime Customs(1943-1950) |
Authors: | 李仕寧 Li, Shih Ning |
Contributors: | 唐啟華 Tang, Chi Hua 李仕寧 Li, Shih Ning |
Keywords: | 李度 中國海關 總稅務司 中國現代史 中華民國 美國 中美關係 L. K. Little Chinese Maritime Customs Inspector General China Modern History Republic of China United States China–United States relations |
Date: | 2016 |
Issue Date: | 2016-09-02 00:10:36 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 李度(L. K. Little)是第一位擔任中國海關總稅務司的美國人,也是最後一任在中國任職的外籍總稅務司。在他之前,除了汪精衛政府任命的日籍總稅務司岸本廣吉(Kishimoto Hirokichi)外,這個職位長期由英國人擔任,海關內的大部分外籍關員亦為英籍。這個與英國有著千絲萬縷的關係,但在名義上的從屬和實際上的職掌皆屬中國公務的行政機構,其領導者國籍的轉變,正象徵著英國勢力在中國的退卻,而轉為美國和日本的競爭。
本文將以李度的日記和文件為主,闡述1943年至1950年間中國海關遭逢此一重大變動的歷史,並論述這項轉變在中國海關史上的意義;同時也由此對總稅務司李度在中國海關中的角色,和其衍伸出的中美雙方關係做出評價。 L. K. Little was the first American Inspector General (I. G.) of Chinese Maritime Customs Service, and the last foreigner I. G. of the service. In addition to Wang Jingwei government-appointed Japanese I. G. Kishimoto Hirokichi, this post was served by the British for the longtime and most of the foreign officers within Customs were also British. I. G.’s nationality changed representing British retreat from China in WWII, and turned on American and Japanese competition in East Asia.
Although Japan suffered a devastating defeat in WWII and the United States obtained the full influence in China; but in support of the Soviet Union, the China Communist Party (CCP) will be driven to the Republic of China government to Taiwan, making the United States full advantage in mainland China maintained only for four years, and with the pace of the ROC government to Taiwan; its influence remains to this day. I. G. Little was the best witness of this period and these history were all can browse through his private diaries and letters.
The Chinese Maritime Customs in post-war period also facing the biggest change since its founded; though the reconstruction of customs at the post-war and the material support from the United States, which reached its peak in its history; but the old treaty system ceased to exist, the Boxer indemnity paid off and the promotion of Chinese staffs, the synarchy tradition of the service suffered a great challenge. Even foreign staffs professional are no longer indispensable, also I. G. is no longer has full authority in the service, but the presence of foreign staffs still generally considered to be the cornerstone of traditional Chinese customs integrity and high efficiency, even some people still think that keep customs away from China`s internal political strife and interference. In other words, the post-war Chinese customs still exist due to foreign staffs, to become one of the symbols of the Chinese government credit by foreign trust.
However, when CCP launched the civil war, the war makes China economies collapsed, and stroke the treatment of custom staffs. So that the traditional customs incorruptible proud began cracking, and the treatment of foreign staff also due to the weak economy and the delay in return to pre-war levels. After Little affirmed the government were unable to maintain the treatment of Foreigner staff, He begun to develop the layoff plan for remaining foreign staffs, then followed the government’s footsteps and moved the service to Taiwan. Finally Little retired from the service with foreign staffs, and the synarchy of Chinese maritime customs service also ended. |
Reference: | 一、史料 (一)私人文書與口述訪談 [美]李度(L. K. Little),《李度日記》(L. K. Little Diary, 1943-1953)。 [美]G.E. Bunker, K.F. Bruner, Conversation: L. K. Little , in Cornish NH, 16-17 December 1971. (二)中央研究院近史所圖書館藏原始材料 1. China and the West [microform] : the Maritime Customs Service Archive from the Second Historical Archives of China, Nanjing / general editors, Robert Bickers, Hans van de Ven Private Letters from Inspector General to Non-Resident Secretary, 1942-47, Reel 98, 679(1)31737. Inspector General`s Correspondence with Non-Resident Secretary, 1946-48, Reel 101, 679(1)31486. Mr. L. K. Little`s Career, 1930-1942, Reel 309, 679(1)11509. 海關總稅務司有關各關緝私及梅樂和復職退休等案, 1941-1942. Reel 311, 679(8)179 I.G.`s Personal Correspondence, 1946. Reel 313, 679(1)31727. I.G.`s Personal Correspondence, 1942-1945. Reel 314, 679(1)31728. I.G.`s Personal Correspondence, 1948-1949. Reel 314, 679(1)31729. Personal Correspondence between I.G. and D.I.G., 1949. Reel 314, 679(1)31730 總稅務司與副總稅務司來往私人機要函件, 1947. 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