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Title: | 國際合資子公司控制之研究-小股東觀點 Controlling International Joint Ventures from the Perspective of Minority Shareholders |
Authors: | 曾祥之 |
Contributors: | 于卓民 曾祥之 |
Keywords: | 國際合資 小股東 控制 International Minority Shareholder Control |
Date: | 2016 |
Issue Date: | 2016-09-01 23:58:54 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 二十一世紀全球化衝擊使各國企業均面臨更劇烈競爭,基於成本降低、掌握新市場或取得資源等策略考量,紛紛加速海外布局,借助企業彼此資源與能力以提升競爭力,其中以設立合資公司進入市場之合作關係最為直接、緊密,這也是台灣企業最常見的國際合作模式。
本研究發現為達成合資子公司控制目的,合資小股東應考量自公司設立起、組織分工、運作到爭議處理甚至合資終止等全面動態流程,合資前股東並應至少納入以下主要議題進行協商(1)股權與股東會(2)公司治理機構:董事會、監察人(3)高階經營團隊:分工與職責(4)保密條款與競業禁止(5)違約與終止(6)股權轉讓與優先權(7)爭議解決與準據法(8)其他:聲明保證與股東協力義務。透過上述議題事前討論,合資股東可充分了解彼此動機,小股東更可依此協商合資契約條款應納入議題與可採取控制方式,避免夥伴投機行為,確保投資權益,以達成合資子公司控制目的。 In 21th century, companies are facing more severe competition due to globalization. In consideration of lower cost, entering into new market or acquiring resources, more and more companies accelerate their overseas expansion by exchange of resources and capabilities in order to enhance competition. Among all of the international strategic alliances, joint venture (“JV”) is the closest relationship; therefore, JV is also commonly accepted by Taiwanese companies.
However, international JV is the most complicated structure among all of the strategic alliances. With different motives or purposes, JV partners can hardly reach consensus. Worst of all, because of different business cultures, thinking or management between the JV partners, disputes or lawsuits will appear or even result in ending JV business. Minority shareholders usually have weak control on JV business, and hardly protect their interests due to information asymmetry. Based on the JV case study on the Taiwanese Company P and the English Company M, this research analyses the following topic from the perspective of a minority shareholder: Before establishing JV business, what topics should minority shareholders negotiate in order to control JV business and how minority shareholders transform such control mechanism into binding conditions under a JV agreement?
This research suggests minority shareholders should firstly consider the whole dynamic process of a JV company and discuss the following topics: (1) Shares and Shareholders’ meeting; (2) Corporate governance: Board Meetings and Supervisors; (3) Management Team; (4) Confidentiality and Non-competition; (5) Default and Termination; (6)Shares Transfer and First of Right Refusal; (7)Dispute and Governing Law; (8) Representation, Warranty and Commitment. Accordingly, the minority shareholders can understand mutual motives, and further negotiate the required control mechanism of the foregoing topics under the joint venture agreement to avoid partner’s speculative behaviors, and protect its investment interests. 第一章 緒論1
第一節 研究動機1
第二節 研究問題與目的3
第三節 研究流程與章節簡介4
第二章 文獻探討7
第一節 國際合資動機與類型7
第二節 國際合資之控制11
第三章 研究方法15
第一節 研究架構15
第二節 研究方法與資料來源16
第三節 研究限制18
第四章 個案分析19
第一節 P公司背景與國際化歷程19
第二節 M公司背景與國際化歷程21
第三節 合資內容23
第四節 合資控制內容與合資契約—小股東觀點25
第一款 股權與股東會25
第二款 董事會與監察人31
第三款 高階經營團隊38
第四款 保密與競業禁止42
第五款 違約與終止事由46
第六款 股權轉讓與優先權50
第七款 爭議解決與準據法51
第八款 其他59
第五章 建議與結論64
附錄 合資契約範本71 |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 98932021 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0098932021 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [經營管理碩士學程EMBA] 學位論文
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