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    政大機構典藏 > 傳播學院 > 新聞學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/101049
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    Title: 跨國飲食文化的生產與轉譯- 在臺法式甜點研究
    Cross-Cultural Food Production and Interpretation – A Study of French Pastry in Taiwan
    Authors: 林宜潔
    Lin, Yi Chieh
    Contributors: 林怡潔
    Lin, Yi Chieh
    Lin, Yi Chieh
    Keywords: 飲食文化
    food culture
    cross-cultural communication
    French pastry
    cultural intermediaries
    glocal production
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-09-01 23:35:36 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究以臺灣新興跨文化飲食傳播現象—法式甜點在臺生產脈絡為研究主題,借重過去研究中構成飲食脈絡的「生產」、「循環」、「近用」三大要素,深度訪談完成學士或碩士學位後,赴法學習法式甜點製作,回臺獨立開業的臺灣青年甜點師傅,探究在臺新興法式甜點生產者的能動性。透過檢視其啟蒙動機、跨文化飲食技藝學習及回臺後的甜點文化傳播中介過程,具體描繪法式甜點在臺新興生產脈絡。本研究發現,臺灣青年甜點師傅於赴法學習過程累積了大量製作知識、身體化技藝與品味資本,回臺後除生產道地法式甜點,也訴說、形塑、創造法式甜點的論述與文化意義。臺灣青年甜點師傅投入法式甜點生產的原因或稍互異,然仍共享同一文化脈絡、生產環境與消費市場,他們中介於法式甜點的母國與臺灣之間,身兼食物生產者與意義創造者,成為法式甜點文化在臺傳遞擴散的橋樑。獨立開業的甜點師傅,使在臺法式甜點文化產生變化,有別於大組織大品牌主導的路線,此類新興店舖由生產者第一線掌握店面品味風格、製作過程、販售方式與溝通管道,以強烈個人化風格向外傳播認同價值,召喚甚至創造具相應品味認同的消費者,進而推動法式甜點在臺的新興文化。
    This research focuses on the context of production of French pastry executed by young, well-educated chefs in Taiwan. The research shows the entire process of non-related majors learning to become a French pastry chef through training in France. They obtain knowledge, techniques, and also taste. All of these contribute to the authenticity they tend to shape when opening their businesses in Taiwan. Their productions mediate the notion of exoticism and authenticity between Taiwan and their perception of the motherland of pastry, France. These novice chefs have more freedom and control on building the core concepts of their own brand, compared to well-established brand in scale. Their unique personalities and styles, expressed through their works and brand management, draw recognition and create a new culinary culture in Taiwan in progress.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0099451007
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[新聞學系] 學位論文

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