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Title: | O2O消費的使用與滿足和科技接受整合模式——以線上買票,線下觀影為例 A Model of O2O Consumer Motivation, Combination of Uses & Gratifications and Technology Acceptance Model: A Study on Movie Ticking |
Authors: | 區谷怡 |
Contributors: | 張郁敏 區谷怡 |
Keywords: | O2O 使用與滿足 科技接受模式 線上購票 使用動機 O2O Uses and Gratifications Technology Acceptance Model Online Ticketing User Motivations |
Date: | 2016 |
Issue Date: | 2016-08-22 13:45:32 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 電子商務多年的發展之下,人們在生活中已經習慣於網路購物,而隨着智慧型手機等行動裝置的普及,跨越線上與線下的O2O消費掀起了新一波風潮。其中,電影O2O在中國更是以爆發式地增長中。 本研究以電影O2O為例,希望探討消費者在線上購買電影票再到線下電影院觀影的消費行為背後的心理需求動機,以及在使用線上介面時前置因素如何影響其使用行為,以建構結合使用與滿足理論及科技接受模式(Technology Acceptance Model)的O2O消費行為模型。 本研究收集到460份有效問卷,研究結果發現消費者使用O2O的動機包括娛樂性、便利經濟性、社交性,其中娛樂性、社交性動機對促成使用行為有正向影響;而線上使用介面的知覺有用易用性對消費者的線上使用行為有正向影響。 As e-commerce has been flourished for years, people getting more and more used to shopping online, on the other hand, popularization of mobile device leads to a new trendy of O2O service, which broke the wall between online and offline. For example, movie ticketing O2O is experiencing a great development in China. This study focus on movie ticketing O2O and try to clarify its user motivations, besides how actual uses were influenced by the factors of online interface. Altogether it is tempt to build up an O2O user model which combine with Uses and Gratifications Theory and Technology Acceptance Model. Collected 460 web questionnaires, the findings of this study show that entertainment, convenience and economy, sociality are all motivations of using O2O ticketing, entertainment and sociality indicate significance influence to actual using. For the part of online interface, perceived usefulness and ease of use are combined together to affect the online using positively. |
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