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Title: | 顧客導向之企業流程再造 -以桃園國際機場客運服務為例 Customer-Oriented Business Process Reengineering: A Case Study of Bus Service in Taoyuan International Airport |
Authors: | 蔡佩欣 |
Contributors: | 羅明琇 蔡佩欣 |
Keywords: | 顧客導向 流程再造 服務藍圖 公路客運 Customer-Oriented Process Reengineering Service Blueprint Bus Service |
Date: | 2016 |
Issue Date: | 2016-08-22 13:41:49 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 企業流程再造自1990年代被提出,由於國際貿易頻繁,加劇全球廠商競爭壓力,遂開始提出企業必須進行根本性重新思考其工作設計,以達到顯著性的營運改善,譬如成本、速度、品質…等,進而提供客戶更佳的產品服務,且隨著電腦設備、機械等資訊科技快速發展,其中又以製造產業最先開始熱切關注,如何將資訊科技導入其日常生產營運流程,以降低其生產與管理成本。
並透過實際案例探討,了解到服務系統在推行企業流程再造時,顧客想法可劃分為六大指標納入其中考量,並使用服務藍圖工具以顧客觀點來劃分內部流程,其結果不但擴充了“企業流程再造”的理論探討,同時也能夠提供給未來相關領域的研究者和其他相關企業發展作為參考。 The concept of Business Process Reengineering (BPR) has been expanded since the 1990s when the globalization boosted the competition in various industries. Therefore, companies were longed to fundamentally rethink how they do their work in order to significantly improve production speed, service quality or operational costs. Especially, with the development of Information Technology, the manufacturing industry adapts new technology in daily operation to save the production and management cost.
As the progress of time, the service industry plays a critical role to Taiwan’s economy. This in turn drives the manufacturing industry to servitize with the low-cost pressure. A growing number of manufacturing companies now emphasize their value not only production but also good and reliable service. The boundary between manufacturing industries and service industry is getting more and more unclear.
With the development of technology, service companies try to implement new technology to improve service process and satisfy customer needs. Since service tends to have customers’ involvement in the delivering process, customer orientation plays a more important role in service firms. This study thus argues that customers’ thoughts should be included in the BPR process to redesign a process that meets customers and companies’ needs.
This study utilizes the case study methodology, with in-depth interviews of bus service providers in Taoyuan International Airport. In this research, the BPR analysis steps are divided into 6 steps, which are identifying the vision and compose BPR team, diagnosing process and resources, defining and identifying the key process, re-designing new service blueprint, and designing control index system. This paper also utilizes the service blueprint as a tool to display the process functions above and below the line of visibility to the customer.
The research results indicate that service system could utilize customer feedbacks to identify specific problems instead of only from the top-management team awareness in the first step to identify the vision and build the BPR team. Furthermore, in the next step to diagnose process and resources, it can be analyzed by the six indices concerned by customers to check fail points. These indices are comfort, convenience, safety, information accessibility, service reaction and service personals. In the Taoyuan International Airport case, “information accessibility” and “service reaction” were the worst among those that are defined and identified as key process and set as control index.
This research reveals the importance of customers’ role in the BPR process. It also illustrates how to use service blueprint as a tool to divide operational process from customer’s perspective. The result not only contributes to the academic research of BPR but also provides valuable insight for service industry with further expansion on BPR. 第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第三節 研究內容 3
第四節 研究流程 3
第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節 企業流程再造 5
第二節 顧客導向 10
第三節 服務藍圖 16
第四節 小結 21
第三章 研究方法 23
第一節 個案研究法 23
第二節 研究對象選擇 25
第三節 個案分析設計 25
第四章 個案介紹 29
第一節 交通運輸產業介紹 29
第二節 國際桃園機場簡介 30
第三節 桃園國際機場之現有客運業者簡介 34
第五章 個案分析及探討 37
第一節 準備動員與辨識願景 37
第二節 診斷現行流程與資源 40
第三節 定義與辨識關鍵流程 49
第四節 重新規劃設計新服務藍圖 51
第五節 執行辦法建議 58
第六節 擬定監督與衡量指標 60
第六章 結論與建議 63
第一節 研究發現 63
第二節 管理意涵 66
第三節 研究貢獻 67
第四節 研究限制與未來研究建議 68
附錄-訪談逐字稿 69
參考文獻 106 |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程) 103363025 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103363025 |
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