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Title: | 基於主題模型之社群媒體內容分析探索 Exploring Topic Models for Analyzing the Contents of Social Media |
Authors: | 廖舒婷 Liao, Shu Ting |
Contributors: | 陳恭 Chen, Kung 廖舒婷 Liao, Shu Ting |
Keywords: | 主題分析 文字探勘 社群媒體 Topic Models Text Mining Social Media |
Date: | 2016 |
Issue Date: | 2016-08-22 13:40:38 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著網路文章訊息量的快速增長,傳統內容分析已無法在短時間內有效地處理和解析龐雜文本潛在意義,為此,本研究嘗試建置一套以非監督式學習主題模型技術為核心的工具,結合自然語言處理可協助研究學者快速處理與探索大量中文資料,挖掘蘊藏的知識。並透過整合自動化的評估機制,提供模型效果好壞之參考。另由於主題模型所產出的結果仍需要人工判讀,因此本研究再利用視覺化技術呈現,以輔助研究學者詮釋結果。
最後,本研究進行模型效度評估,觀察衡量主題模型應用於不同性質中文文本資料之可行性與限制。此外,本研究透過文本歸類計算取得資料集主題的組成便可作為初步篩選資料集之重要特徵,從而提出未來可延伸發展的方向。 Recently, the data retrieved from the internet are too large for traditional content analysis methods to handle and extract high quality insights in reasonable amounts of time. To address this issue, we develop a data analysis system based on unsupervised topic modeling method. In particular, we focus on applying this tool to process Chinese texts. By a proper integration with the Chinese tokenization tool, jieba, our system is able to explore and analyze Chinese documents rapidly yet effectively. Besides, the system also automatically performs a quantitative evaluation of the quality of the generated model, which is useful for the user to get an idea quickly about how well the model works. Finally, as the outputs produced by topic modeling rely on human interpretation, we present a method for visualizing topic modeling results to help end-users understand and interpret what topics have been discovered.
To evaluate our system, six Chinese text data sets of different network media sources are used for experiment. The result in this study shows the proposed system can be applied to analyze large volumes of unlabeled Chinese text and help reduce manual work, and shorten the amount of time required. We then compare the topics found from social media with those from online news. It is observed that Taiwan’s Sunflower Movement not only received great attention from people in Taiwan, overseas users in Hong Kong or China also express their concerns and opinions through social media. Furthermore, according to topic distribution, we can also find hot topics easily.
Finally, we conduct some experiments to evaluate and understand the limiting factors of the propose system. An interesting finding is that our system can act as a data filter tool where the composition of data sets can be computed and used to define the filters for quick selection of relevant data sets from large data sets. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 資訊科學系碩士在職專班 103971002 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103971002 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [資訊科學系碩士在職專班] 學位論文
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