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Title: | 以敏捷專案管理執行新產品開發: 以A公司為例 A Study of New Product Development Using Agile Project Management:An Example of Company A |
Authors: | 張綺庭 Chang, Chi Ting |
Contributors: | 鄭至甫 張綺庭 Chang, Chi Ting |
Keywords: | 新產品開發 敏捷專案管理 New product development Agile project management |
Date: | 2016 |
Issue Date: | 2016-08-22 13:35:47 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 新產品開發是提升企業競爭力的關鍵因素,企業透過新產品開發的過程得以不斷修正其在市場中的定位,同時獲得利潤及報酬使企業得以達成其永續經營的目標。而新產品開發是一系列決策過程,而在此過程中需要投入相當多的資源以及時間,因此新產品開發的失敗會導致企業龐大的損失。而導致新產品開發失敗的主要原因來自於市場以及行銷構面的錯誤,此構面包含市場潛力太小、產品差異化不足、錯誤的市場定位、不了解消費者需求等因素。而在市場及行銷構面後才是財務、技術、組織及政策環境構面錯誤導致的失敗。(Jain, D. , 2001) 由此可見,了解市場以及消費者需求對新產品開發的重要性。 敏捷專案管理是專案管理的一種方法,其主要的精神在於不斷的與利害關係人溝通,並調整產品以貼近消費者需求,同時在開發流程上以較短的開發循環反覆、漸進式開發與交付。也就是說,專案並非在一開始就將所有的需求以及計畫規劃完整,而是隨著專案的進行,專案的計畫、需求、細節、設計等都會隨著專案的進行不斷調整且逐漸完整。而敏捷專案管理的理念如應用在新產品開發上,則恰好對應到導致新產品開發失敗的市場以及行銷構面因素。 因此,本研究以A公司為例,將敏捷專案管理實際應用於新產品開發上,並期望藉由實務經驗來探討敏捷專案管理應用於新產品開發上的影響。 New product development is a key factor to enhance the competitiveness of one company. Through the process of the new product development, company is able to constantly revise its market position and gain profit in order to achieve the goal of sustainability. New product development is a series of decision-making process. In this process, company needs to invest considerable resources and time. The failure of new product development will lead to huge business losses. The most common reason that lead to the failure of the new product development is the marketing facet. The marketing facet includes the potential market is too small, lack of product differentiation, the wrong market positioning and do not understand the customers’ needs. (Jain, D. , 2001) Thus, it is really important to understand the market and the customers’ needs. Agile project management is a method of project management, the main spirit lies in constant communication with stakeholders, and to adjust the product close to consumer demand. Agile project management uses the methods such as shorter development cycle, and using repeated, incremental development and delivery. The spirit of the agile project management can correspond to the marketing facet, which is the most common reason that lead to the failure of the new product development. Therefore, this study is a study that use the agile project management on the new product development of Company A. The study hopes to explore the impact of new product development using agile project management through practical experience. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 科技管理與智慧財產研究所 103364116 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103364116 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [科技管理與智慧財產研究所] 學位論文
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