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    Title: 臉書貼文擴散力之關鍵因子分析--太陽花運動個案研究
    Key factors affecting the spreadability of Facebook posts: A case study of the Sunflower movement in Taiwan
    Authors: 李薏瑩
    Lee, Yi Ying
    Contributors: 張寶芳

    Lee, Yi Ying
    Keywords: 擴散力
    Chinese keyword frequency analysis
    content analysis
    emotional valence
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-08-22 13:34:46 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:  近年來,許多公民議題透過臉書得以在網路上快速傳播。本研究以2014年的太陽花運動為個案,分析臉書貼文內容與使用者實際之按讚、回應、分享行為,探討:(1) 具備何種特質的貼文內容較易擴散;(2) 由關鍵字預測貼文熱門程度的可能;(3) 貼文內容與使用者之「按讚、回應與分享」行為之間的關係;(4) 除內容外,其他可能影響臉書貼文擴散的因素。
     本研究蒐集太陽花運動期間,27個相關臉書專頁,共8103篇貼文為樣本;假設知識類、行動類、情緒類三類內容為影響臉書使用者「按讚、回應與分享」行為與貼文擴散力之變項,進行關鍵字詞頻分析、貼文聯集文本分析與貼文交集文本分析。研究發現:(1) 情緒類內容在熱門貼文中所佔比例最高,其情緒價向在按讚數、回應數或分享數熱門貼文中各有差異;(2) 單就關鍵字詞頻分析不足以代表貼文內容之分類;(3) 不同類型的貼文內容會導致使用者「按讚、回應與分享」行為之差異:知識類內容在分享數熱門貼文裡所佔比例,較在按讚數及回應數之熱門貼文裡高;按讚數與回應數熱門貼文之文本內容分類相似;(4) 發文時機、粉絲頁人氣、貼文字數亦為影響臉書貼文擴散力之因素。
    Why are certain pieces of content on Facebook more spreadable than others? What is the relationship between content and user behavior (i.e., to like, to comment, or to share the post) on Facebook? Can we predict which post on Facebook can go viral by selected keywords? And what other factors can affect spreadability? Using an unique data set of 8103 posts on Facebook during the Sunflower movement in Taiwan, the study classifies the data into "informative," "call for action," and "emotional" contents, taking up the opportunity to address these questions with both keyword frequency analysis and content analysis.
    The results indicate that while emotional content accounts for the highest proportion in popular posts, its emotional valence varies in highly liked, commented, or shared posts. As for informative content, it appears the most in highly shared posts than highly liked or commented ones; the latter two share similar composition of content and are more likely to be affected by the popularity of the fan page. The results also suggest that examining keyword frequency alone is not enough for the prediction of a post`s spreadability since not only Chinese semantics can vary a lot through context, picture or link published with the post also play an important role to shape the content, sometimes can even shift the meaning of the text. Other factors such as timely controversy or the length of the text are also shown in the results.
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