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    Title: 兩岸共同打擊跨境犯罪問題之研究(2008~2016)分析
    The Research Analysis of Cross-strait Joint Fight against the Problem of the cross-border crime (2008~2016)
    Authors: 林成翰
    Lin, Cheng Han
    Contributors: 朱新民
    Jhu, Sin Min
    Lin, Cheng Han
    Keywords: 兩岸警察
    Cross-strait Police
    Cross-border Crime
    Mutual Legal Assistance
    Cooperation of International Police’s Execution
    Police of Cross-strait Joint Fight against Crime
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-08-22 13:32:40 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 自從「海峽兩岸共同打擊犯罪及司法互助協議」生效後,兩岸警察共同打擊跨境犯罪起了化學性的變化,有效的改變過往合作困難的現象,但其中能還有諸多不足之處。
    Since “Cross-strait Joint Fight against Crime and Mutual Legal Assistance Agreement” effected, there is chemical changes in the combating cross-border crime of the police of the cross-strait, which has changed the phenomenon of the difficulty of the previous cooperation effectively, but there are still many insufficient parts in it.
    The essay “The Research Analysis of Cross-strait Joint Fight against the Problem of the cross-border crime (2008~2016)” will probe on the approaches of combating crimes and current laws. In addition, it will also analyze another related research documents about the theory of joint fight against crime and discuss the current situation of executing cross-strait joint fight against the cross-border crime and its predicament. Combining the consequences of the three research reports which are mentioned, it can provide the aspects of managing the strategy to cross-border crime and the cooperation of the cross-strait police combating cross-border crime for the related departments to operate practically.
    The research adopts the method of documents, the analysis of statistics, the method of historical research, the method of comparison, and the method of depth interview to analyze and compare the differences of the investigations of criminal cases and the system of the lawsuit between the cross-strait. Besides, it also focuses on typing the crime tricks which happens practically when the police of cross-strait combat crime together and it analyzes some difficulties which they will encounter in practical execution step by step. It also discusses the differences of criminal systems and cultures between the cross-strait, which leads to different patterns of investigation between the cross-strait. The essay tries to provide the possible methods to improve the possible cooperation between the police of the cross-strait or the ways of investigation, hoping that it can contribute to the field of academy of cross-strait joint fight against crime.
    The followings are the research suggestions which are proposed by the essay:
    1. Enforce the system of the cooperation of combating cross-border crime between cross-strait.
    2. Enforce the systematization of the contact platform of cross-strait.
    3. Improve the exchange system of intelligence between the police of cross-strait.
    4. Set up the official procedure of cross-strait joint fight against crime.
    5. Develop the cooperation organization of the police of cross-strait.
    Key Words: Cross-strait Police, Cross-border Crime, Mutual Legal Assistance, the Cooperation of International Police’s Execution, the Police of Cross-strait Joint Fight against Crime
    Reference: 壹、中文部分
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    (一) See eg , International Court of Justice website , &quot; Basis of the Court `s Jurisdiction &quot; , available http : // www ic-ci.org/jurisdiction/index.php?pl 5 & p2 = 1 & p3-2 ( last visited Apr. 26 , 2016 )
    (二) See Nottebohm case ( Liechtenstein Guatemala ) ; Second Phase , International Court of Justice ( ICJ 6 April 1955 , available at http://www.retworld.org/docid3ae6b72 48.html ( accessed April 27 , 2016 )
    (三) See , eg Assembly , International Convention against the Taking of Hostages , December 1979 , A / RES / 34 / 146 available at http://www.refworld.org/docid3b00D303c.html accessed April 27 , 2016 ) ; see also UN General Assembly , Convention on the Safety United Nations and Associated Personnel resolution adopted by the General Assembly , 17 February 1995 A RES / 4959 , available at http : //www.refworld org / docid 3b00 f31 7 14.html ( accessed April 27 , 2016 )See Shaw note 6 , at 485 , see also Malanczuk , supra note 11 , at 1 13-114 .
    (四) See , e.g ,convenfion fo Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Civil Aviation , September 1971 , 974 UNTS 177 , available at http://www.refworld.org/docid3ae6b37a14 html ( accessed 27 April 2016 ) , Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes against Internationally Protected Persons including Diplomatic Agents 1 , 14 December 1973 A / RES / 3166 http : // ww wretworld.org/docid3b00f19d4html ( accessed April 27 , 2016 )
    (五) See generally Lohis case , PCIJ , Series A , No. 10 ( 1927 ) , see also Harvard Research in International Law , Draft Convention on Jurisdiction with Respect to Crime 29 AJIL Supp .435(1935) See MALCOLM N. SHAW , INTERNATIONAL LAW 474 ( 7th ed , 2014 )Ibid .
    (六) See MALCOLM D. EVANS ED INTERNATIONAL ( 45h ed , 2014 ) ; see also SHAW sura note 6 , at 475 .
    (七) See PETER MALANCZ UK , AKEHURST `S MODERN INTRODUCTION TO INTERNATIONAL LAW l l l ( 7th rev ed , 1997 )See Nationality Decree in Tunis and Morocco Case , PCIJ , Series B , 4 , 1923 , 23-24 , recited from SHAW supra note 6 , at 479-80 .
    (八) See J. B. Moore , Digest of International Law , Washington , 1906 , vol . II , 228 , recited from SHAW supra note 6 , at 483 .
    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103981016
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