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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 資訊管理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/100463
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    Title: 電子零售商網站功能與營運績效之實證研究
    An Empirical Analysis of E-Retailer’s Website Features and Operational Performance
    Authors: 呂亮緯
    Lu, Liang Wei
    Contributors: 梁定澎

    Liang, Ting Peng
    Howard Hao-Chun Chuang

    Lu, Liang Wei
    Keywords: 零售商
    Conversion Rate
    Website Traffic
    Website Features
    Empirical Research
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-08-22 10:45:43 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究探討零售商網站的網站功能對於其網站流量及轉換率的影響,目的是提供零售商網站建立或改版時的參考。我們採用2013及2014年中國年度銷售額前500名之零售商的網站功能資料,將這些網站功能依據消費者線上交易的流程整理成「商品資訊獲取」、「付款方式」與「訂單履行與退貨服務」三大構面並再細分成7個子構面,「商品資訊獲取」構面分為「提供產品資訊」子構面以及和「消費者互動與客製化」子構面; 「付款方式」分成了「線下支付方式」、「線上傳統支付方式」以及「線上第三方支付方式」三個子構面; 「訂單履行與退貨服務」分成了「物流運送」以及「退貨服務」兩個子構面,我們探討這三大構面及七個子構面對於零售商網站的網站流量以及轉換率的影響。
    本研究採用追蹤資料(panel data)分析,控制了不同零售商及年份的固定效果去評估網站功能的影響,結果發現「商品資訊獲取」功能對網站流量有正向影響、「付款方式」中的「線上第三方支付方式」子構面對於轉換率有正向影響,但訂單履行與退貨服務對於網站營運指標無顯著影響。接著,我們在進一步的探討中,將這些店家依據所販賣的產品之類別分成了Convenience goods、Shopping goods以及Specialty goods三大類,而「mass merchant」類別的店家無法歸類在上述三類,因此獨自唯一類,我們分析這三大類店家以及mass merchant類別的店家網站功能對於網站流量以及轉換率的影響。結果發現Convenience類別的店家在「商品資訊獲取」構面的「提供商品資訊」功能對於轉換率呈現正顯著;在Shopping goods類別的店家,「付款方式」構面的「線上第三方支付方式」功能對於其網站轉換率有正向顯著;而在Specialty goods類別「商品資訊獲取」構面的「提供產品資訊」功能對於其轉換率有正向的影響。
    The research examines the impact of Website Features upon two important e-retailer performance metrics – website traffic and conversion rate. Using 2013-2014 secondary panel data of top 500 e-retailers in China, we classify Website Features into three categories (product information retrieval, payment method and fulfillment & return service) according to consumers’ online transaction processes. Product information retrieval contains two constructs: product information provision and interaction & customization. Payment method contains three constructs: offline payment method, online traditional payment method and online third party payment method. Fulfillment & return service contains two constructs: logistics transportation and return service.
    After controlling for firm and time-specific fixed effects, we find that product information retrieval features have positive impacts on website traffic, and payment method have positive impacts on conversion rate. However, our analysis shows that fulfillment & return service are not significantly associated with the two performance metrics. In our post-hoc analysis, we further classify company into three categories and “mass merchant category” which could not be classified based on products they sold: convenience goods, shopping goods and specialty goods. We find the construct “product information provision” has positive impacts on conversion rate for convenience and specialty goods, while “online third party payment method” has positive impacts on conversion rate for shopping goods.
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