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    Title: 員工知覺市場導向文化、內部市場導向與市場 導向行為之關聯性研究:以台灣服務業為例
    Relationships among Employees’ Perception of Market-Oriented Culture, Internal Market Orientation and Market-Oriented Behaviors: An Empirical Study of Taiwan’s Service Industry
    Authors: 張恩欣
    Chang, An Hsin
    Contributors: 洪順慶
    Chang, An Hsin
    Keywords: 市場導向文化
    Market-oriented culture
    Market-oriented behaviors
    Internal market orientation
    Frontline service employees
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-08-22 10:40:47 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 第一線服務人員是服務過程中創造顧客滿意的關鍵。服務業者要如何讓服務人員認同組織價值觀,如何提升第一線服務人員的顧客導向行為來達成組織目標,是服務業的重要管理課題。儘管市場導向的研究肯定其對組織績效的正向影響。但是這些研究大都是從企業的觀點出發,甚少研究是從員工端的觀點出發,以及更需要釐清企業的市場導向如何影響員工市場導向行為,以及可以透過何種管理機制激發組織成員市場導向的行為表現。過去文獻中市場導向文化的研究被認為忽略了組織文化的層次性與動態性,因此本研究採用市場導向組織文化的層次架構,驗證市場導向文化中,市場導向價值觀、規範與人造產物等組成變數間的關係,以及探討市場導向文化、內部市場導向對員工市場導向行為之間的影響關係。本研究透過多重個案研究與量化研究驗證構念關係。研究第一部分以成功服務品牌之個案研究來驗證,透過三家個案公司跨階層的訪談資料(涵蓋高階主管、中階主管、一線主管及員工)比較個案公司市場導向文化構面,並檢視這些文化構面與內部市場導向管理活動與員工市場導向行為之間的相互影響關係。在量化研究部分,本研究採用階層廻歸分析檢定219位服務業一線員工樣本。研究結果顯示,市場導向價值觀對於規範,進而對於人造產物皆有正向且直接的影響;市場導向規範、人造產與與內部市場導向對員工市場導向行為有顯著的正向關係,而員工的市場導向行為進而顯著影響其個人服務績效。研究結果支持了組織發展市場導向須考量組織文化的層次性特質,當組織組織期望推展市場導向並發揮其對員工行為表現的影響力,需藉由市場導向的人造產物塑造,以及內部市場導向管理活動,讓一線員工能充分認知與內化市場導向價值觀與規範才能確保市場導向對員工行為產生預期的影響。
    Past studies in market orientation (MO) area have extended our knowledge of successful business operations. However, there have been few comprehensive studies into the relationship between market-orientated culture and individual market-orientated behaviors in service firms. It is criticized that previous studies on market-oriented culture typically using behavioral constructs rather than cultural constructs. Based on organizational theory, market-oriented organizational culture has been conceptualized as a multilayer model, which contains MO centered values, norms and artifacts. Moreover, internal market orientation (IMO) has been seen as a complementary view to external MO, as IMO plays crucial role in aligning individual behaviors with corporate goals. This study adopted the multilayer model of culture and also incorporated IMO and employee-level market-oriented behavioral constructs into the framework. Three case studies and a survey sample of 219 frontline service employees were employed to assess the relationships among the different components of market-oriented culture, IMO and employee market-oriented behaviors. Consistent with expectations, findings indicate employee perceptions related to firm MO values influenced firm MO norms, and MO norms influenced MO artifacts. Results also indicate that MO norms influences employee market-oriented behaviors indirectly through MO artifacts and IMO. This study contributes to the understanding of the theoretical relationship between market-oriented culture and employee market-oriented behaviors and also to the roles of market-oriented artifacts and IMO practices involved in introducing MO into service companies.
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